

country comparison Ireland Greece
Population and Government reference country country to compare
Population 4,062,300 persons 10,688,100 persons
Labor Force as % of Total Population 51.20% 46.22%
Urban Population as % of Total Population 59.03% 60.10%
Average Age 34 years 40.80 years
Birth Rate: Babies per 1.000 People 14.45 persons 9.68 persons
Death Rate: Deaths per 1.000 People 7.82 persons 10.24 persons
Percentage of People under Age of 14 20.90% 14.30%
Percentage of People between 15 and 65 67.60% 66.70%
Percentage of People over Age of 65 11.50% 19%
Government Receipts 12.12 bil. euros per quarter 18.99 bil. euros per quarter
Government Expenditures 25.44 bil. euros per quarter 27.60 bil. euros per quarter
Government Expenditures as % of GDP 65.64% 50.65%
Government Lending/ Borrowing p.q. -13.31 bil. euros -8.61 bil. euros
Government Borrowing as % of GDP -34.35% -15.80%
Government Debt 135.36 bil. euros 285.02 bil. euros
Government Debt as % of GDP 87.32% 130.78%
Social Security Spending as % of Total Spending 26.46% 44.10%

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