

country comparison Spain Finland
Financial Markets reference country country to compare
Bond Market
Government Bond Yield 4.04% 2.62%
Money Market Rate 0.38% 0.90%
Term Spread 3.66% 1.72%
Country Spread 1.36% -0.28%
Stock Market
Trailing Stock Market Performance p.m. -3.30% 3.36%
Trailing Stock Market Performance p.q. 8.91% 2.25%
Trailing Stock Market Performance p.a -11.33% 11.71%
Historical Volatility 22.39% 16.73%
Currency euros euros
Exchange Rate USD 0.79 euros/USD 0.79 euros/USD
Yearly Change against USD 12.55% 12.55%
Exchange Rate EURO not available not available
Yearly Change against EURO not available not available

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