

Ranking Historical Volatility UK (18.20%) (32)

1 Bulgaria 55.93%
2 South Africa 53.93%
3 Lithuania 53.49%
4 Estonia 43.66%
5 Latvia 38.38%
6 Hungary 38.13%
7 India 37.95%
8 Czech Republic 36.07%
9 Argentina 34.02%
10 Greece 33.74%
11 Austria 32.61%
12 Turkey 31.15%
13 Italy 30.93%
14 Poland 30.26%
15 Denmark 28.31%
16 Germany 28.23%
17 Slovenia 27.28%
18 Finland 26.87%
19 Belgium 25.36%
20 Netherlands 25.28%
21 Spain 24.32%
22 Slovak Republic 23.78%
23 Mexico 23.17%
24 China 22.85%
25 Korea 21.89%
26 France 21.01%
27 Sweden 20.11%
28 Canada 20.05%
29 United States 19.74%
30 Brazil 19.43%
31 Japan 18.70%
32 United Kingdom 18.20%
33 Portugal 16.49%

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