

country comparison USA Germany
Overview reference country country to compare
Currency U.S. dollars euros
Area 9,629,091 km² 357,021 km²
Population 298,444,300 persons 82,422,300 persons
GDP at Purchasing Power 14,799.60 bil. PPP$ 2,859.78 bil. PPP$
GDP per capita at Purchasing Power 47,701.80 PPP$ 34,905.10 PPP$
GDP Growth 3.85% 4.49%
Government Lending/ Borrowing p.q. -370.84 bil. U.S. dollars -23.03 bil. euros
Current Account p.q. -92.18 bil. $ 43.92 bil. $
Inflation 1.08% p.a. 1.49% p.a.
Government Bond Yield 3.20% 2.35%
Trailing Stock Market Performance p.a. 10.40% 6.27%


The informations from different countries usually have different dates. To allow meaningful comparisons between countries, the choice of a common point in time is necessary.
That means, that the displayed values of the individual country analysis and the values of country-comparisons do not match.

Normally, the numbers of single-country analysis are more timely.